Yes, we know you love it, but your dog shouldn’t! You’ve probably heard that chocolate can be toxic to dogs, but what does that mean? And at what amounts?
Chocolate contains Theobromine, which dogs cannot metabolize as fast as humans, meaning it poisons them. The smaller the quantity, the less of a chance of poisoning; however, it’s not a good idea to take the chance as small quantities have been known to kill dogs.
“The buzz we get from eating chocolate may last 20 to 40 minutes, but for dogs it lasts many hours,” says veterinarian Kevin Fitzgerald, PhD. “After 17 hours, half of the theobromine a dog has ingested is still in the system.” (Pet WebMD)
Dark and unsweetened chocolate contain more Theobromine, and are much more deadly to dogs than milk chocolate. The problem is, yes, they can taste the sweetness and have big, sad eyes.
Toxicity depends on your dogs body weight, the type of chocolate ingested and the amount of chocolate. It gets complicated, so check out this simple interactive National Geographic chart.
Signs of Chocolate Poisoning:
- nausea and vomiting
- diarrhea
- arrhythmia and other muscle twitching
- frequent urination
Carob or liver treats are a great alternative to giving your dog chocolate.
~The Get Up and Go! Team ~