Thank you so much for developing this fantastic product. My friend nobly gave me one bottle of her dog’s tablets and was effusive in her praise, so I thought why not?
My dog suffers from arthritis and had been in pain for some time. After a month on the tablets her mobility was much improved.
After two months she is a different dog – energetic again and keen to go for a run instead of a creaky, uncomfortable, very short walk.
Video attached as proof!
Thanks again.
Kind regards, Penny
This is Oscar, who is in his 16th year (about 105 in our years). A purebred Border Collie, he is our beloved, shy old bachelor who lives a quiet but happy life with his two female admirers (young cats Angel and Sody).
He adored, & misses, his friend Jilly the black Labrador, who died aged 16 last 5th December.
Oscar loves his food and still pretends to be a puppy when his dinner bowl appears, wagging his tail and prancing, as well as he can at his very advanced age.
He loves snoozing under the air-conditioner when it’s too hot outside, and he does enjoy an amble round checking out the garden and very slow, short walks.
Oscar may have a few minutes of fame on the internet soon!
Watch the website of our very good friends, the RSPCA Qld.
Jasmine, has had arthritis since she was 7 and was initially given glucosamine daily. At 9 years old, her arthritis worsened and she started limping. She also ruptured her cruciate ligament. We were told she wasn’t expected to survive the cruciate operation due to her bad arthritis. The only option presented was to give her an NSAID for the rest of her life, which in time would damage her liver and kidney. This was terribly sad news to me and my family.
At our lowest point, when we nearly gave up hope, a holistic vet introduced us to the all-natural Get up and Go. After just 8 days of Get Up and Go, Jasmine’s pain was gone. She survived the cruciate operation and has been taking Get Up and Go ever since. No More limping. No more pain.
When her joint took a few bad turns this winter due to the cold weather, I gave her an additional daily dose. She was up and going again within a day. Get Up and Go saved my dog’s life on several occasions and has especially helped her in the past 6 months due to her age. My dog is now over 13 years old and still enjoys her walks thanks to Get Up and Go.
~ Rossana, South Australia
We have two miniature poodles…one six and the other four. Our six year old poodle (Felix) has had problems with his back legs and hips most of his life. The contrast in agility and comfort between our dogs is marked and Felix has been limited in his ability to run and play with our other dog (Grace). We have tried numerous treatments to help Felix stay as comfortable as possible…with varying degrees of success and permanence. Recently we were introduced to Get Up and Go for Dogs by our dog groomer.
We noticed a change in Felix’s comfort levels within a few days and this has continued for the next sixty days…one bottle of tablets….he takes one tablet a day.
He is a different dog at the beach…enjoying running and playing with Grace. He now stands up on his hind legs quite frequently for a pat…and we have even noticed the cheeky thing standing on his hind legs to have a look and see if there is anything interesting on the table…he would never have done that before! He has even jumped up on a couple of chairs recently…again something he would have felt physically uncomfortable doing before this treatment.
We are so happy with the results…it is great for Felix to be so comfortable…fun for Grace to be able to play with him, and such a relief for us to see him so happy and comfortable and to be able to treat him so easily, with a natural product!
We are really delighted…thank you so much!
Kindest regards, Ann, Grant, Felix and Grace Cameron
We received an updated testimonial from Bogarts owner……….
Bogart my Shar pei x Labrador , is now 14, and has been on Get Up and Go for 3 years.
It all started one morning when my friend didn’t want to go on his morning walk. The vet suggested to try Get Up and Go. My old friend has since enjoyed 3 more years of going to the beach. Every morning we head out for a short drive and a walk. He loves swimming, jumping waves and meeting all his doggy friends.
I’m so glad I found Get Up and Go. It has given me three of the most precious years. I also feel good that the herbs and natural ingredients of Get Up and Go had helped in the longevity of my friend.
I’ve recommended this great product to owners of other old or limping dogs at the beach. This has been rewarding, just yesterday a lady stopped me, thanked me about Get Up and Go – she was just feeling exhausted from the energy her old friend now has. Another person stops me in town and told me her limping old dog was not only running now but chasing birds, something that they have not done in 4 years.
Thank you Get Up and Go.
S. Dodd, Billinudgel NSW
“Lady”, was just 9 weeks old when my husband brought her home for my birthday. She is a beautiful golden retriever and turns 9 at the end of this year.
One day, when she was about 3 years old, she just collapsed and couldn’t walk. Her back legs seemed to be the problem. So we took her to the vet, fearing the worst. After an overnight stay, X-rays and many tests, she was diagnosed with hip dysplasia. We faced the prospect of costly hip replacements for her, the only other alternative being to try her on medication (Metacam and Joint Guard).
After being on medication for almost 4 years, a good friend recommended we try using “Get Up and Go” which we did last June 2013. Since then, she has stopped taking any medication and seems to have a new lease of life!
Even though arthritis is now setting in, she can still run to catch a ball and even chase the birds!
We can’t talk highly enough about “Get Up and Go” to all our doggy friends now and even our new vet is highly impressed and noted it on her file. Thank you, “Get Up and Go” Team – we are sorely tempted to try taking it ourselves, it’s helped Lady so much!
Jan & Peter Elmore
On a random recommendation from a stranger on a foot bridge I started my 8 yo Border Collie, Meg, on Get Up Go Dog about three weeks ago as she has had inflammation and joint issues for a while now.
All of her diet has been long adjusted and the doggie chiro had adjusted her but I was at a loss as to what to do next. I’m very pleased to say that just this week she has started flying around after a Frisbee, nearly like her younger days.
I’ll be excited to see how she continues to improve from now on as I really don’t want to use injections if I can help it.
J. Thornton
Thanks to your amazing tablets, my 7yr old German Shepherd is enjoying life again. She was suffering the signs of arthritis and could hardly move her back legs to get onto her bed. Now she is on her 2nd bottle of Get Up And Go – well you wouldn’t believe the difference in her. One of the things about this that really makes me happy, is I can see the pain in her eyes has gone. I am sure she is smiling.
Once again “thank-you” no other treatment has given her such relief.
~ Megan (owner of Aylwards Dog School & Boarding Kennel, Qld)
Digger is my 14 year old bubby boy. He is Aussie Kelpie crossed with NZ Huntaway and was born just 7 minutes into ANZAC day, hence his name. In the 9 months, or perhaps it is a year since he has been taking Get Up and Go, Digger has done a complete 360. No more does he have to get the “see-saw” action going in his rear to assist him to painfully get up. When someone or something makes him happy he gets a fair trot going and even manages to lift his front paws off the ground a tad. He will never be able to jump on the couch or into the car again I don’t think but Get Up and Go has done more for him than I could ever have imagined possible.
South Australia
We just wanted to say our bit about Get Up and Go.Our dog is a 15 year old Rottweiler / German Shepherd cross and in her advancing years she has slowed markedly. Her back legs were giving out under her, she was listless because of lack of movement, she wasn’t eating properly and climbing stairs was just a chore. As for barking at people going by, well, that stopped because she had no energy. We had options to do injections etc. We got talking to our Kennel people and they suggested that we try this new product Get Up and Go. So we did. The results were remarkable. From a rundown “Old Girl” she has transformed back into a walking , barking , giving us cheek, on her food , out of pain dog. She has been on the tablets now for about 8 months and we could not be happier with how she is performing.
Seeing what Get Up and Go has done for our Gracie, we would recommend this product to anyone who has a beloved pet in the same predicament.
~ R & J Handy, Mudgeeraba, Qld
This is me with our 10 year old dog – black, male Cocker Spaniel “Rufus” [red collar], with his new little ‘brother’ “Mr. Wags”. Rufus is totally blind and has a detached left cruciate ligament. He was in a bad way a year ago, about the time when his mate and our other baby, “Rascal”, a black, male Spanador, passed away with cancer, aged nearly 11 years. Mr. Wags was the first part of therapy for Rufus plus our own concoction of “human” multivitamins and anti-oxidants.
There was some improvement in Rufus after about 6 months, but he was still limping and pretty morose. We then were given a free sample of Get Up and Go by our local dog-groomer. This was added to the daily dosage of assorted vitamins and within 2-3 days the improvement in Rufus was remarkable! He no longer limps and can sustain reasonably long walks on the beach again! He is also much more active and playful. I attribute these changes to the new supplement and will continue to add it to our dogs diet.
~ John, Bundall (Qld)
Chloe is our 15 ½ year old Labrador x Staffy whom we adopted from the Maryborough Refuge when she was 5 years old.
We were given a sample of Get Up and Go when we picked her up with her mate, Mischief, from the kennels after our trip to Canada at the end of July.
We definitely think Get Up and Go has given her extra quality of life and several people have commented that she is more active.
We will certainly continue to use it and definitely will give it to Mischief when she gets old.
Keep up the good work. Thank you.
Jill Taylor, Burrum Heads, QLD
I love my dog with all of my heart. Like us all, age is creeping up on him. He is a cross breed Irish Wolfhound/Mastiff, with a beautiful nature and great disposition. He weighs in at 54 kilos now, but in his prime weighed 59, being a large and muscular boy. He has done so well for such a large dog – he has remained healthy and fit always – until the morning stiffness began. It was heartbreaking to see him struggle, but he has a big heart and was determined to get up and get moving.
A friend, who like me enjoys natural products, and has an aged miniature sheltie noticed my boys condition, and suggested I try him on Get Up and Go tablets as her girl had improved no end. I did, and what a great result! Seamus’s mornings are now a joy to behold. He’s out there chasing crows, tail wagging, straight after breakfast.
What a marvelous result for a dog of his age and size!
Thank you Get Up and Go team – your the best!
My lovely Staffie Okey has had arthritis and cancer for about 6-12 months and has been getting stiffer and weaker over that time. He was reluctant to go for a walk and could not get up into the car anymore. It was quite distressing watching him, and he was in obvious pain.
Then I started him on your Get up & Go tablets. Within the first bottle he had come back to life, could jump up in the car and started running around like he hadn’t done for about 2 years. He is obviously pain free now, and he spends his days chasing our Rottweiler around again and loving visitors and outings.
I would recommend any dog owner trying these amazing tablets for their pet should they encounter medical problems, as the response was truly amazing.
Thank you Absolute Pet Nutrition
Phil Jones and OKEY
Mudgeeraba, QLD
We have been using Get Up and Go Dog for about a month now, on the recommendation of a friend. And we are glad we started as the results have been fantastic!
Stollie, our 12 year old Labrador, has arthritis and has struggled with limping and getting about. Since taking these supplements, there has been a noticeable difference.
Stollie wakes up in the mornings with increased energy and is eager to play with us and chase her toys. Just like when she was a puppy!
Just to give you an update on my dog Bella! She is now nudging 16!!!!!! and no longer goes with me to golf (the day is just a bit too long for her now) but enjoys her daily walk and positively bounds out the door, even jumping down the front steps.
Her appetite is great, and she gets very excited at dinner time.
She now spends most of the day sleeping or just wandering out into the back garden (she has her own door).
When people meet her for the first time they are amazed at her age as she certainly doesn’t show it, just walks a little slower sometimes (other times she still gets a fair gallop up).
I really think that the Get Up And Go has prolonged her life and health, so thanks for a great product.
Sandra Devos stopped by our booth at the Gold Coast Pet Expo.
Listen to what she has to say about her dog Chibi and how he is thriving on Get Up and Go.
Cagey, our German Shepherd has been a part of our family for 14 years and came to us as a fully-trained guard dog so we estimate her age to be 16/17. For the last 12 months she has shown noticeable signs of arthritis and we started her on a course of Catrophen injections at the vet but then were deciding whether to put her down or not. The dog training facility where we take our yound German Shepherd highly recommended Get Up & Go as they had experienced success with the product.
Cagey has just completed her second bottle of Get Up & Go. She now has better mobility and seems to have a lot more energy without any side effects.
Thank you Get Up & Go!
A quick note to thank you.
We purchased a bottle of your get up and go tablets at the pet expo and have been giving our fifteen year old dog a border collie/kelpie cross the instructed dose (you may remember him we where wheeling him around in his trailer).
We cant believe the change in him after only having 9 tablets in total,he seems to have so much more energy and is starting to get up from lying down much better.
It is only early days yet but if this is an indication we are exited about the prospect for his future well being.
David & Shirley Whatson
Watch our latest video testimonial with Sophie, an 11 year old Border Collie with his owners Krista and Morgan.
Location: Varsity Lakes, QLD
We have been very happy with Get up and Go. We have a 13 year old Boxer and she was struggling to walk at Christmas time. She was on antibiotics and has had arthritis injections so we are not sure which one has worked or if its a combination of all but we will be buying some more as within a few days of giving her Get up and Go she was walking better.
Watch our latest video testimonial with Buddy, a 13 year old English Staffordshire Terrior and his owner Alison Ansell.
Location: Cabarita Beach, NSW
And don’t forget to order Get Up and Go in December 2013 for your chance to receive one of two copies of the gorgeous book “Old Dogs: Are the Best Dogs”.
© 2022 Get Up and Go Australia All Rights Reserved – Website by Christom